
After the power-on initialization is completed successfully and before the restart sequence is initiated, Telega resides in the operational state (see High-level state machine). The behavior of the device in the operational state is controlled by sending commands via one of the available interfaces.

The standby command is executed upon successful completion of any other command; execution of this command can never complete nor be canceled.

The fault command is executed upon failure of any other command; it can never fail. Once issued, the fault command will not report completion until explicitly canceled by sending the standby command (this behavior is sometimes referred to as latching fault). No other command will be executed as long as the current state is Fault.

The execution of any command can be canceled by sending the standby command prematurely instead of waiting for its normal completion; however, Telega may choose to disregard the cancellation request if the current command is non-cancelable.

digraph command_execution_state_machine { rankdir=LR; graph [nodesep=0.5]; node [style=filled]; standby [label="Standby" fillcolor=deepskyblue]; fault [label="Fault" fillcolor=darkorange]; other [label="Command\nexecution"]; init [label="Initialization" style="empty" color=invis]; init -> standby; {other standby} -> fault [label="Failure", color=darkorange3, fontcolor=darkorange3]; {other fault} -> standby [label="Completion", color=deepskyblue3, fontcolor=deepskyblue3]; {other standby} -> other [label="Command"]; }

Registers that are specific to a certain command are prefixed with that command’s name; e.g., drive. for the drive command. The current command and related status information can be inspected via the system status register.